The Fuck It List

Ten Things You Should Quit Doing While Not Going Gently into That Good Night

1. Organized religion
2. Voting
3. Seat belts
4. Making sure your zipper’s up
5. Paying for music, books, and/or movies
6. Wearing that lame-ass gray beard/goatee
7. Pissing indoors all the time
8. Apologizing to anyone younger than you are
9. Stupid old-fart hats
10. Bathing or showering regularly

About US

image of Philip J. Maggitti, editor of this website

About me, Philip J. Maggitti, actually. I’m taking the liberty of using the editorial “Us” here, if you please, and even if you don’t please, because I’m (ir)responsible for everything on this website but the images, most of which the Writecream AI program produced more or less per my instructions.


Barack Obama’s “Other” Half Is a White Nationalist

image of Barack Hussein Obama with a half white and half black face

Barack Hussein Obama, America’s putative first black president, is a man who knows how to sell a contradiction; but just as no man is a hero to his valet, Barack Hussein is no hero to his white half, who prefers to be known as Barry, the name that Barack Hussein preferred before he discovered his “existential blackness.”


child-free, adj

a child about five years old throwing a fit in a supermarket aisle

The preferred term for people who do not have children. Being child-free means never having to deal with stinking diapers, temper tantrums, smart-ass teenagers, or paying for college.

It means sleeping in on weekends, having uninterrupted conversations, and sex without making an appointment. Let’s spark a blunt to child-free living!

Joint Venture

My married visitor arrived with a bottle of vodka and the scratch-and-sniff issue of Hustler.

“Here, tell me if that’s what it smells like.”

“Will it wash off?”

We smoked a joint. 

Next morning she said, “I shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Conscience bothering you?”

“No. Smoking a joint. I’m pregnant.”

Camel Toe, n

close up view of a camel's hoof

The two toes on a camel’s foot serve more than a decorative function. They are able to spread widely, when the occasion demands, in order to distribute the animal’s weight over as large a surface area as possible. This capability helps to prevent the camel from sinking into soft ground.

The Last Supper, the World’s First Roast

Following the Tom Brady roast, one reviewer proclaimed that Brady is “our ‘Jesus Christ’ in the war against political correctness.”

Jesus, you’ll recall, was the fly-as OG host and roast master at the world’s first roast, The Last Supper, where the tax collector, fishy hygiene, pedophile, and Is-Jesus-Gay jokes flew.

Is Thomas the Tank Engine a Sexual Predator

Thomas the Tank Engine sitting at a train station

Thomas the Tank Engine has been sued for sexual harassment by Lady Jane Hatt and her granddaughter Bridgett, who charged that Thomas repeatedly thrust his engine at Lady Hatt suggestively—in addition to making lewd advances at young Bridgett. He also left a thin line of grease on a Coke can.