How AI Can Improve Sexual Performance

AI-powered sex toys can learn what floats your boat.

AI plus virtual reality and augmented reality technologies equals “realistic,” can’t-tell-the-difference sexual experiences.

AI-powered earbuds help individuals to communicate their desires and talk dirty with their partners.

AI provides a safe, judgment-free, sanitary space for individuals to get their freak on.

Why Aren’t Cats Mentioned in the Bible?

Two certain facts about the bible: animals were harmed during its production; cats are not mentioned in it.

After shallow consideration, we offer three possible explanations for this oversight:

  Even god could not give man dominion over cats.

  Cats wanted script approval.

  Cats have nine lives, god has only three.

Mind the Stairs

Patrons of Almost Wagyu Steaks and Chops in Chicago were startled by a tintinnabulation and shrieks one evening.

“Some damn fool took header on the stairs to the restrooms, again,” laughed one diner.

“They really ought to put a warning sign there,” his companion replied.

“How about ‘Stairway to Oops’?”

You Can’t Satirize This Shit, #10

“Trudeau to install tampon dispensers–in MEN’S bathrooms”

Justin Trudeau’s latest brainstorm: supply all bathrooms in federal public service departments, crown corporations, banks, airports, and train yards with menstrual products ‘regardless of their marked genders.’

These free products are taxpayer-funded.

Critics say thar men will bring them home to female partners.

Tapping Out

She jabs her index finger at an app like she’s poking someone in the chest while she’s making a point in an argument.

He lays his finger on an app gently, diffidently, as though he’s sorry to have to be the one who wakes it.

Can this marriage be saved?