Postmodernism, n

Postmodern philosophy is the mycelium from which the toxic fungi of skepticism, sarcasm, deconstructionism, ironic politeness, and self-aware apologies emerge.

These are nourished by a distrust of grand narratives and a single-minded pursuit of power in human interactions.

Postmodernism has also been described as modernism with the cheerfulness taken out.

Table for Two

Rob meets Angela for lunch. Each is secretely planning to confess to recent infidelities. When Rob begins to speak, Angela interrupts him.

“Robbie, there’s something I’ve got to tell you.”

“You’re pregnant,” he says nervously.

“No,” she laughs, beginning to lose her nerve. “What did you want to tell me.”

Coincidental, adj

Often confused with ironic by semi-literates. If you’re thinking about an old friend and you bump into that person somewhere,  that’s not ironic, Skippy. It’s coincidental. If he says, “I’m going to Boston this weekend,” and you are, too, that’s still not ironic. Capisci? Click here for ironic’s true meaning.