Catholics Pitifully Ignorant about Choirs of Angels

According to the Vatican Times, only 3% know there are nine Choirs of Angels. Just 1% can distinguish between Seraphim and Cherubim. Virtually no one knows that lower Choirs of Angels need the Thrones to access God.

“Scientology isn’t any weirder,” said one communicant at St. John the Beheaded Church.

God Disses Megan Rapinoe in 30-second Interview

WCL: Megan Rapinoe, USWNT soccer player, said that her getting injured early in the final match of her career is proof that God doesn’t exist.

GOD: Au contraire. That pink-haired freak suffers from anal-cranial inversion. Whom does she think caused her to choke that penalty kick in the World Cup?

Deus Own Noctis

In the encyclical Deus Own Noctis (God Owns the Night), Pope Francis warned that Catholics “can not seek refuge in sleep” in order to enjoy illicit sexual activities.

“God sees you when you’re sleeping,” declared the 86-year-old pope. “Any activity forbidden to waking Catholics is forbidden to sleeping persons, too.”