An Open Letter to Ben & Jerry


With Thanksgiving near, shouldn’t you be scolding us because this “holiday” commemorates a colonialist narrative and cultural erasure?

Or because the first mention of Thanksgiving, in 1637, celebrated the colonists brutal massacre of an entire Pequot village?

What about honoring indigenous Americans by replacing pumpkin pie with maize-and-scalp-flavored yogurt?

An Open Letter to Joe Biden

Big Guy,

Remember the mascot of the prep school we attended? The Great Auk, a large, extinct, flightless bird? Remind you of anyone you know?

The Great Auk became extinct when the last known specimen wandered into a bathroom and forgot what he went there for.

Happy birthday, Great Auk.

Websites That Never Die

“What’s this $999.00 payment to NeverEndingWeb?” she asked.

“That guarantees my new website won’t expire even when I do.”

“Who’s gonna read it 100 years from now?”

“Don’t know, but they’ll read exactly what I wrote.”

“Sooner or later you’ll have to give up the hope for a better past.”

Ten Other Things Named “Kelce”

“Kelce” is among the top-trending dog names in the country—up 135% in a year—according to Rover, a Seattle-based matchmaker that connects pet owners with pet sitters and dog walkers.

In addition people hung that name on other items: penises, vaginas, farts, gerbils, drinks, cats, streets. new stars, assholes, oral sex.


“Careful, Hon, that plate’s hot,” the waitress said.

“Not as hot as I am,” he snickered.

His wife rolled her eyes.

“What, you don’t think I’m hot?”

“Your brother’s hotter.”

“Can I get youse anything else?” the waitress asked.

“A towel,” he replied, tossing his drink into his wife’s face.

God Disses Megan Rapinoe in 30-second Interview

WCL: Megan Rapinoe, USWNT soccer player, said that her getting injured early in the final match of her career is proof that God doesn’t exist.

GOD: Au contraire. That pink-haired freak suffers from anal-cranial inversion. Whom does she think caused her to choke that penalty kick in the World Cup?

iPhone 15 to Include Fecal Finder App

The iPhone 15 carries a Fecal Finder™ app that detects fecal material as tiny as 1 part per 100,000,000.

Some people check their email and texts while on the crapper; and if their left hand doesn’t know what their right hand is doing, their phone soon smells like their ass.

Updates For Old White Man App Due from Apple, Google

These will include a cell phone blocker that can be set to activate whenever a cell phone rings within 50 feet; a prostate checker that sends a warning text whenever a prostate reading is elevated; a digital coupon good for 10% off at all  McDonald’s; and a gray-panther pussy finder.

Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Shits the Bed Again

This year’s inductees are:

Kate Bush, dour folkie singer-songwriter.
Sheryl Crow, “5th Greatest Alternative Artist of all time” (Billboard).
Missy Elliott, cranky, overbearing, white-folk-hating rapper.
George Michael, legit
Willie Nelson, WTF?!?!
Rage Against the Machine, “blends” heavy metal, rap, punk, funk, and socialism.
The Spinners, lame, high-stepping Motown R&B/soul group